Merilec mobile application – digital support for wood management

Slovenski državni gozdovi (SiDG)
The company Slovenski državni gozdovi (SiDG) manages more than 234 thousand hectares of forests. It, among other things, takes care of felling and delivery of wood to buyers or in the warehouse. Before removal, dispatchers of forest wood assortments record the amount of cut wood. To digitize the dispatch and wood storage process, we developed the mobile application Merilec. The application supports the work of dispatchers even in areas without a network connection. 

Get to know mobile application Merilec in a video: 

About the client

Slovenski državni gozdovi (SiDG) is a company that operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food. The company’s core activity is the management of state forests, but they also engage in other activities, such as the production and sale of forestry wood, the implementation of nature conservation measures and scientific research work in the field of forestry. 

According to its mission, SiDG follows high standards of quality, safety and environmental responsibility. The company employs more than 490 people which are aware of the importance of sustainable development. For work they use advanced technologies and processes to ensure efficient and long-term sustainable forest management. 

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